Coding Resources

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Validate for errors

Multiple browsers test (small)

Multiple browsers test (large)

Good html color picker

Get color from image

Html codes for quotations and other symbols


Date / time in php

Positioning (relative, absolute)

Force a favicon refresh

CSS popups

CSS accordions

CSS show/hides

CSS hidden nav menu

CSS responsive menu

CSS outline fonts 2

CSS overlay images

CSS opacity

CSS transparent hover (sticky) header

CSS full background image

JQuery multi-level slide accordion


CSS lazy loaded images and 

Defer on “Feed the Bot”

Breadcrumb triangles



Border radius

Expand a div to take the remaining width

CSS scrolling text

CSS templates

CSS stretch fonts

CSS thicker fonts / text-shadow

Height:auto (needs overflow:hidden)

Clear div with overflow:auto

Centering things

CSS drop down menu

CSS crop an image in the center (demo)

CSS pop-hovers

CSS hover popups and tooltips

CSS text shadows

RGB / RBGA calculator

Draw complex objects with CSS

Pixel art to CSS

Style internal links

Style links depending on destination

Apply styles to just single, archive, page, home

Adding Disqus comments with functions and a shortcode

Simple CSS accordion

Making RSS mix feeds: How to from YouTube RSSMix RSSFeedWidget

Facebook comments: use plugin, grab app code from Facebook developers app (not sure if necessary), uncheck “every page” add the php, remove the website from within the double-quotation marks but leave the double-quotation marks

Javascript beautifier

Javascript weather

Tweet button

Twitter follow button

How to Create an Advanced Twitter Widget

Display Recent Tweets in WordPress with Twitter Widgets

Twitter timeline embed widget

Embedded tweets CSS

Jason Mayes’ Twitter-Post-Fetcher

Nerijusgood’s Twitter custom widgets

Embedded tweet box (basic)

Facebook page plugin

WordPress load order

Display Most Popular Posts by Views in WordPress without a Plugin

Stupid WordPress Tricks

CSS tutorials

Color Blindness

Relative Luminosity

Android app tutorial: YouTube playlist: TheNewBoston

Quick reference


Transparent: #00ffffff (ie add two zeros to the 6-digit color code)

CSS backgrounds:

background-image: url(“images/starsolid.gif”);
External CSS backgrounds:

background: url(“”);

CSS content (about)

content: “!”;

.csstarget:after {content: url(}

CSS opacity:

Opacity has a default initial value of 1 (100% opaque). opacity: 0.2 is more transparent than 0.9.


color: red !important;


<!- – This is an html comment – ->

// This is a one-line CSS comment

This is a multi-line CSS comment

// This is a one-line php comment

This is a multi-line php comment


@media screen and (min-width: 480px)


color: red !important;

Box shadow

box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888888;

Circle border radius

border-radius: 50%; (use not-percentages for Safari <5.1)


font-weight: 900;


<a href=“” target=“_blank”>Visible text</a>

Internal link styles


Debug ghost CSS (source)

* {
background: #000 !important;
color: #0f0 !important;
outline: solid #f00 1px !important;

Prevent website content being shared to Pinterest (source):

In head: <meta name=”pinterest” content=”nopin” />
Or, to customize: <meta name = “pinterest” content = “nopin” description = “Sorry, you can’t save from my website!” />

WordPress blog title shared to social media problem. Same problem as here. Solution (temporary until can find proper code): Install Yoast SEO and edit Search Appearance: Content Types: Posts so it reads %%title%%  You can check the sharing title in the editor for any post in the Yoast SEO box.

Yoast causes image link problems. Remove Yoast. And do this inside the head section (fix the quote marks):

<title><?php the_title(); ?></title>
<meta name=”description” content=”.”/>
<div style=”display:none;”>
<meta property=”og:image” content=”<?php hitmag_single_post_thumbnail(); ?>” >
<meta name=”twitter:image” content=”<?php hitmag_single_post_thumbnail(); ?>” >

If it still doesn’t work the theme might be doing something (

try adding this to the theme:

 function wp_abdul0201_wp_title( $title ) {
    if ( is_single() ) {
        $title = single_post_title( '', false );
    return $title;
add_filter( 'pre_get_document_title', 'wp_abdul0201_wp_title' );

ie problems? Check …

  • seems to be OK with absolute, but doesn’t do well with fixed

CSS coding resources (guy suggested when I was coding Arbol 50 words: