How To Submit News To The Speaker (For Journalists)

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First submissions and submissions from a regular contributor are treated differently. For first submissions, you can email us. We will receive, edit and publish your news (so long as it meets basic news requirements). Once we are basically familiar with a writer, we will set them up with our CMS so they can compose their articles there.

To email a piece of news, use editor[at] (replace [at] with @). The subject line should read: “Speaker – news – The Title Of Your Piece.” If it is time-sensitive, note that in your subject line as you see fit.

Note: we use AP style except for titles, which are simplified — capitalize each word. To refresh yourself on just the most important basics of AP style, click here.

Note: our current office hours are approx. 11 a.m. to 2 a.m Pacific Standard Time (west coast of North America). If you are interested in editing during other hours of the clock, please let us know.