Tanzanian youth group “Rat Road” storm areas in capital

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Violence broke out in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania last night as members of the violent youth community called Rat Road–“Panya Road” in the local Swahili–stormed areas around Sinza, Mwananyamala, Kinondoni, Ubungo and Makumbusho. Group members robbed shops and created havoc among the citizenry.

Tanzanian Police Commander Suleiman Kova made statements on the attacks through TBC1 news, saying that two of Rat Road members have already been arrested and the operation continues to apprehend the others.

“We the police have received information about where to find the others–that the young men known as the Rat Road are scattered over many parts…” Kova stated.

“These are young people who do not work. They do not have good values​​. First think about the seriousness of the problem, how the general information is greater than the weight of the event itself. I want to tell you people to continue your regular activities.”

Police are currently on patrol for Rat road members, assuring citizens that it was impossible for Rat Road to gain any ground in Dar es Salaam, because it was “impossible for Rat Road to be stronger than the army or police.” 

News tip: Siligiye Nyax