Land tussle in Kenya

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kkkKenya’s ruling Jubilee coalition came to power in 2013 on a platform of promises to Kenyans — promises that the party would ensure an end to land injustices and corruption. However, even as the coalition assumed office on hopes of digital development and an end to historical injustices, the nation may have to accept the fact that the coalition orchestrated a well-developed game plan to sail them through to power. The government of Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta and Mr. William Ruto has, however, benefited the nation with its massive investment in attempts to solve land issues since getting into office.

In the earlier days of 2014, the nation witnessed the closure of the Lands Ministry’s doors in a bid to have the ministry reorganize itself and provide efficient services while solving land issues. The exercise, which was engineered by Lands Cabinet Secretary, Hon. Charity Ngilu, was aimed at generating title deeds for all owned lands while revoking numerous numbers of fake title deeds. At the end of the exercise, the cabinet secretary publicly stated that land injustices had come to an end.

llProbably the exercise at the Lands Ministry, which saw the rearrangement of files within the organization, was thought to be a great thing by citizens and land owners alike. The cabinet secretary for her part assured the citizens that the emotional land issue had been solved.

However, a year down the line, the nation seems to now recognize the fact that they were duped by the ministry as the nation now again experiences issues of land grabbing.

The Karen land saga last year brought emphasized the fact that land grabbing is not a thing of the past. Funny enough, key politicians have been linked to the land saga and to date — three months down the line — the investigations are still underway with no arrest being made to date. land

Barely three months later, a piece of land belonging to Langata primary school has been alleged to have been grabbed by a private developer. The ministry and the Nairobi country government has stated that the land belongs to the primary school. But even as the grabbed land is investigated, the ministry has stated that the land is under the title of the Weston Hotel, which is believed to belong to one Mr. William Ruto.

So does it mean the private developer in question is Mr. William Ruto?

laEven as this question remains unanswered, the ministry has stated that the land is being grabbed by a private developer who seems to be nameless.

The land issue indeed remains an issue related to violence in the country. The recent Occupy Playground by the Langata primary school pupils has also been linked to the South Africa’s Apartheid regime, in which school pupils were attacked by police officers. The Occupy Playground saw the demonstrating pupils teargased by the anti-riot police. The peaceful demonstration by school pupils has indeed sparked a heated debate in the international media — and in the social media as well. Likewise, the demos has brought to play the fact that the land could have been owned by a key political personality or an influential personality, as heavy security was deployed that morning to guard the compound.

Analysis by Morris Cerullo

Jellyfish show “incredibly advanced orientation abilities”

Jellyfish show incredibly advanced orientation abilities, can detect and respond to ocean currents (1)
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Jellyfish are able to detect the direction of ocean currents, according to recent research by a joint team of environmental scientists. The team studied the movements and of free-ranging barrel-jellyfish and found that the animals are “incredibly advanced in their orientation abilities.”

“Most people who have spent time on the coast will have seen jellyfish and probably assume they are simple animals that just drift with ocean currents,” Dr. Graeme Hays, professor at Deakin University’s School of Life and Environmental Sciences and an author of the study, told The Speaker.

Jellyfish show incredibly advanced orientation abilities, can detect and respond to ocean currents
Dr. Graeme Hays

“Our work shows this is not necessarily the case, and instead jellyfish can show remarkable abilities to sense currents, change their swimming behaviour accordingly, and hence maintain their position in preferred areas. These abilities contribute to the massive blooms of jellyfish that are widely being reported around the world.”

The team collected data using GPS loggers that were placed both on the jellyfish and on floats on the ocean’s surface. The researchers then created a model of jellyfish behavior that took into account ocean currents.

From the research, the team has formed a clearer picture of the lives of individual and groups of jellyfish.

“We now know that jellyfish are not simply passive drifters, but instead can make complex movements that help maintain massive blooms which have been seen in many places around the world.”

The research will help efforts to manage these blooms, which can involve hundreds to millions of jellyfish for months-long periods and which can be troublesome when they clog fishing nets or sting beachgoers.

Sylvie Vandenabeele and Sabrina Fossette
Drs. Sylvie Vandenabeele and Sabrina Fossette

How jellyfish are detecting the currents remains unknown, but Hays provided us with an educated guess about what he believes is the most likely answer: that the jellyfish are able to sense the shear of the water.

“Most probably the jellyfish are using the fact that the currents change slightly with depth–current shear. So this means that different parts of the body of the jellyfish are experiencing slightly different currents. It is probably this difference in current flow across their body that the jellyfish can perceive, allowing them to detect the current flow and modify their swimming accordingly.”

The report, “Current-oriented swimming by jellyfish and its role in bloom maintenance,” was completed by Graeme Hays, Sylvie Vandenabeele and Sabrina Fossette, and was published in the journal Current Biology.

By Sid Douglas

Photos by Graeme Hays

China to increase urban population in Tibet 30% by 2020

China to increase urban population in Tibet 30 by 2020
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During a government meeting on urbanization this week, the administration of Tibet stated their decision to increase the permanent urban population of Tibet by 30 percent by 2020 — a figure that represents roughly 280,000 new Chinese immigrants to Tibet.

The urban population of Tibet has risen dramatically since the 1980s, when China launched a “National Strategic Project to Develop the West” following the end of the Cultural Revolution.

Before the campaign, under 300,000 people lived in 31 towns and cities in Tibet. According to Chinese estimates for 2013, over 740,000 people now live in 140 towns and cities in Tibet. The new push will bring that number to over one million.

Because the majority of new residents in Tibet are ethnic Chinese, many Tibetans have expressed concern about a threat to their distinct cultural, religious and national identity. The Chinese population has increased in all Tibetan regions since China invaded Tibet in 1959.

In the administrative capital of the Tibetan Autonomous Region, Lhasa, Chinese outnumber Tibetans three to one, while in 1990 there were only 81,200 Chinese in all of TAR.

In addition to the Chinese resident population measured in government figures, there are also an additional 300,000 to 500,000 (150,000 to 250,000 in TAR) ethnic Chinese stationed in Tibet as cadres, administrative staff, and ordinary and military police.

The chairman of the Tibetan regional government, Losang Jamcan, said at the meeting that Tibet still lagged behind many regions of China, and that urbanization especially was lagging behind the rest of China.

Losang said that Tibet wanted to improve public services in urban areas in order to attract more people to move to Tibet, and to boost local economies.

Analysis by James Haleavy

Wealth of 1% greater than all the rest of the world next year

Wealth of 1% greater than all the rest of the world next year
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According to a report by anti-poverty charity organization Oxfam America, the wealthiest 1 percent of people will possess global assets in excess of assets possessed by the rest of earth’s 7.12 billion people by next year.

The percentage of global wealth owned by the richest 1 percent rose from 46 percent in 2009 to 48 percent in 2014, and it will rise to over 50 percent by 2016, Oxfam reported.

“The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering and despite the issues shooting up the global agenda, the gap between the richest and the rest is widening fast,” said Oxfam Executive Director Winnie Byanyima, who is a co-chair of the upcoming World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, which will be attended by a record 300 heads of state.

Oxfam also reported that 80 percent of the world’s population currently owns just 5.5 percent of global wealth. This equates to under $4,000 per person, while the average wealth of the top 1 percent is $2.7 million. Further down the line, 1 in 9 people cannot afford enough food for themselves, and over 1 billion people have less than $1.25 per day to live on.

The wealth of the richest people continues to rise, Oxfam reported. In 2014, the 80 richest people had the same wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion people, representing a doubling of the wealth of the richest 80 since 2009.

“Do we really want to live in a world where the 1 percent own more than the rest of us combined?” Byanyima asked.

“The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering and despite the issues shooting up the global agenda, the gap between the richest and the rest is widening fast.”

Oxfam’s report comes just ahead of the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

By Sid Douglas

Photo: Oxfam

First stages of Schizophrenia associated with excessive neural communication in PFC, research finds

First stages of Schizophrenia associated with excessive neural communication in PFC
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Schizophrenia has been known to be associated with a dearth of neural connections in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The onset of the disease, which often takes place in a person’s early 20s, may be associated with something quite different, however. A joint research team analyzed MRI data from a group of individuals who had recently experienced their first psychotic episode and found that excessive communication within the PFC — rather than a lack of signals — seems to produce abnormal internal states in schizophrenics.

Dr. Alan Anticevic
Dr. Alan Anticevic

“It is already appreciated by the research community that schizophrenia is likely a ‘dynamic’ neurodevelopmental illness. The reported effects suggest that perhaps following illness onset — which typically occurs in late teens and early 20s — there may be an abnormal elevation in neural activity in certain areas,” Dr. Alan Anticevic, assistant professor of psychiatry at Yale and lead author on the paper, told The Speaker.

The PFC is the frontal lobe of the brain, responsible for higher-order thinking, and has been implicated as a major site of functional impairment in schizophrenia and other severe menal illnesses. Specifically, schizophrenia has been linked in numerous studies with deficits in PFC funcional connectivity, structure and activation.

However, PFC functional connectivity during early-course schizophrenia has not yet been characterized.

The joint Yale-Sichuan University team examined the MRI’s of 129 individuals who had recently undergone their first psychotic episode and who had not yet been medicated.

They found evidence of increased PFC connectivity in these patients.

They also tested for hypoconnectivity, and while not finding evidence for this in the PFC, they did detect evidence for hypoconnectivity at the whole-brain level. Generally, the team found, early-course schizophrenia was associated with more severe elevation in PFC connection strength.

“Typically schizophrenia, especially in its more chronic stages, is associated with abnormal reductions in neural activity and connections across the PFC,” Anticevic told us. “The reported effects in part call into question this view by showing that at certain illness stages there seems to be prevailing elevation in PFC connectivity. However, this elevation is likely to be abnormal as it predicted symptoms. This finding may map well onto some emerging theories suggesting that early illness stages may be associated with an abnormal spike in glutamate — a key excitatory neurotransmitter that is present throughout the brain.”

Dr. John Murray
Dr. John Murray

This effect was also captured by a sophisticated mathematical model Anticevic’s group is developing in collaboration with Dr. John Murray at NYU. “This ‘computational psychiatry’ approach helps us to mathematically formalize hypothesized disease mechanisms at the cellular level” Anticevic added. In turn, the team can relate these neurobiologically plausible modeling predictions to their neuroimaging effects.

The team also found that PFC hyperconnectivity normalized for some patients over time, and that this predicted symptom improvement.

Anticevic noted the challenge of attempting to answer the question of what was is happening neurobiologically when PFC hyperactivity is normalized in some individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia in response to treatment, but provided an educated guess.

“We currently don’t have a deep mechanistic understanding of this problem. However, one possibility is that somehow medication is ‘normalizing’ the abnormal elevation in excitation and inhibition balance in local cortical circuits that may be responsible for the hyperactivity. One possible mechanism at the neural system level may involve the interplay of domaine and glutamate between the dorsal striatum and prefrontal cortex, which is the pathway where medication may expert its key effects.”

“We hope to demonstrate that alterations occurring in people who suffer from schizophrenia are likely ‘dynamic,'” concluded Anticevic. “In addition, we hope to demonstrate how the combination of leading neuroimaging approaches and our mathematical models can help us understand these dynamics to develop better therapies for the earliest stages of the illness when intervention is critical.”

The report, “Early-Course Unmedicated Schizophrenia Patients Exhibit Elevated Prefrontal Connectivity Associated with Longitudinal Change,” was completed by Alan Anticevic, Xinyu Hu, Yuan Xiao, Junmei Hu, Fei Li, Feng Bi, Michael W. Cole, Aleksandar Savic, Genevieve J. Yang, Grega Repovs, John D. Murray, Xiao-Jing Wang, Xiaoqi Huang, Su Lui, John H. Krystal, and Qiyong Gong, and was published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Photos: the Yale-Sichuan University team

Under Xi Jinping, repression in China has increased – Freedom House Report

china, repression in china, freedom house, freedom house china, freedom house report on china, xi jinping human rights, Under Xi Jinping, repression in China has increased - Freedom House Report
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Freedom House, a prominent US-based human rights organization which monitors and rates various global freedoms, has found that under President Xi Jinping repression has increased in China. Of the 17 categories assessed by Freedom House in their China Report, repression has increased in 11 since 2012 when Xi took power, indicating an overall intensification of repression.

“The current leaders appear to be increasing repression, expanding the targets and reach of the security agencies even more than their predecessors,” wrote Sarah Cook, senior research analyst for East Asia at Freedom House and author of the report.

The categories in which repression had increased since Xi took power in 2012 include grassroots rights activists, online opinion leaders, ordinary internet users, civic-minded businesspeople, CCP cadres, labor leaders, scholars and professors, print and television journalists, Christians, Buddhist Tibetans, and Muslim Uighurs.

Since 2012, the Chinese government has begun to targeted new entities as well, Cook found. CCP authorities conducted detention, imprisonment, public humiliation and physical abuse on individuals who had previously been safe in the nation, including a pastor from a state-sanctioned church, a highly popular businessman, an acclaimed lawyer, an internet entrepreneur, and several middle class professionals. Party cadre had also suffered increased physical abuse — to the point of death — Freedom House reported.

Five categories maintained a level of repression consistent with pre-2012 findings: political dissidents, human rights lawyers, formal nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), protest participants, and Falun Gong practitioners.

Freedoms in China increased in only one category, according to Freedom House: petitioners, and the increase was minor, involving the abolition of the “reeducation through labor” camp system.

Freedom House noted that particularly prevalent in China since Xi took office was the incidence of religious persecution. Falun Gong adherents, Muslim Uighurs and Tibetan Buddhists were more likely than other classes of people to suffer prison sentences of over 10 years, systemic torture and death while in custody.

The Chinese government has shifted tactics since Xi entered office, Freedom House found. The government began using less overtly political charges — instead using public assembly- and disturbance-related charges for arrests. Bribery, illegal business offences and prostitution were also used against politically-involved actors in China, including journalists, according to the report.

The CPC also increased it’s use of short detention terms and high monetary fines, and revived televised forced confessions.

“On the one hand, there seems to be a greater emphasis on more formal types of punishment — such as administrative detention, brief criminal detention, and full prosecutions — and on punishments that discredit or humiliate the target, most likely a bid to enhance the legitimacy of the crackdown. On the other hand, this has not translated into an actual reduction in the use of extralegal detention, since the abolition of the discredited RTL system has led to the reported proliferation of less visible alternative facilities,” wrote Cook in the report.

“Repression has increased under the new leadership, yet fear of the regime appears to be diminishing,” she concluded.

The data from which Freedom House completed their study included that from their own interviews (conducted for the purposes of their research), media reports, Chinese human rights groups, the China Labor Bulletin, the Duihua Foundation and the Congressional-Executive Commission on China.

The report, “The Politburo’s Predicament,” was completed by Sarah Cook and was published on the Freedom House website.

By James Haleavy

Health messages decoded differently by experts and the general public, study finds

Health messages decoded differently by experts and the general public, study finds
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A recent study has found that health messages–the kind that are posted on billboards to advise the public or decorate the walls of doctors’ offices–have different effects on two different classes of people. The research found that while experts respond better to negative, loss-framed messages that make sense within the context their strong knowledge of the subject, most people do not. The general public responds better to positive, gain-framed messages that make sense within a big picture-type understanding of health.

It is the difference between “preaching to the choir” and reaching “people who really need to hear it, but who really don’t care that much to think very deeply about it,” Dr. Brian Wansink, director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab and lead author of the study, said of his findings.

Wansick explained this by referencing the different understandings of health possessed by experts and the general public.

Experts–dieters, dieticians, and people who work in medicine or the medical area–have a strong knowledge-base with which they can process a health message. These people are highly involved in the topic, Wansick explained, and they “piecmeal process” health information (process things in detail. They also feel a duty to maintain the achievements they have already made in health matters, and tend to be risk-averse.

The general public, Wansick said, have less firsthand knowledge of the consequences of their actions, and view healthy behaviors are a choice rather than a duty. They tend to focus on what is gained by a certain behavior rather than what is lost.

Because experts write health messages, the study should give them something new to consider, the researchers expect. Because message designers can now be aware that what makes sense to themselves and their peers will likely have a different effect on the general public, they may be able to correct for their negative-message bias and create more useful positive messages.

The report, “Negative Messages for Experts, Positive Messages for Novices,” was completed by Brian Wansick and Lizzy Pope, and was published by Cornell Food & Brand Lab in Nutrition Reviews.

By Cheryl Bretton

Photo: the work of the researchers

South Sudan government says Chinese initiative will bring peace

JUBA, South Sudan -- The government has hailed the just concluded meeting with the rebels and mediators in Khartoum as a step towards the attainment of lasting peace.
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JUBA, South Sudan —  The government has hailed the just concluded meeting with the rebels and mediators in Khartoum as a step towards the attainment of lasting peace.

South Sudan’s Foreign Minister, Benjamin Marial, praised the initiative by the Chinese government to mediate between the warring parties in an effort to restore peace to the country.

“The fact that China, People’s Republic of China, got involved in trying to push forward the peace process also shows the commitment of the Chinese government to peace in South Sudan. We endorsed it because it does not deviate from the IGAD peace process.”

Marial spoke to journalists in Juba upon arrival from the Sudanese capital of Khartoum on Wednesday, saying the meeting would boost the IGAD brokered peace negotiation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

“The safety of personnel who are involved in important economic institutions in the Republic of South Sudan; that of course includes economic installations and I think is very important thing – that they wanted the assurance that these institutions are properly protected and not to be destroyed in any form.”

The foreign minister said that they and the SPLA opposition rebels have agreed to allow access to those displaced by the war.

Aid agencies earlier raised the issue of access to those in dire need of assistance by both sides of the conflict by placing numerous roadblocks in place and demanding money.

Marial added that the two sides had agreed to allow aid workers access to hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people in need of humanitarian assistance.

According to the minister, the two sides recommitted to ending the conflict peacefully and to respect the cessation of hostilities agreement JUBA, South Sudan --  The government has hailed the just concluded meeting with the rebels and mediators in Khartoum as a step towards the attainment of lasting peace.signed nearly a year ago between the government and rebels.

However, accusations of attacks have been occurring recently, according to SPLA spokespeople.

He further said that the Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, who mediated in the talks between the two warring parties, met the two sides’ delegates, Sudanese and Ethiopian, separately and held discussions with the IGAD mediators.

On the talks, Marial said the government hopes to resume peace talks in Addis Ababa at the end of this month with new momentum to reach a permanent peace deal.

China is sending 750 combat troops to South Sudan as part the UN peacekeeping mission by next March.

Marial supported the Chinese troops adding that they adhere to the UN Mission in South Sudan mandate and will not side with either party to the conflict.

China is the main investor in South Sudan’s oil industry, which contributes more than 90 percent of government revenues.

This is the second time that another country has come and held talks on ending the one year conflict that has ravaged the country. Last year, Tanzania invited the two sides of the conflict to try to unify their factions in an intra-party dialogue, wherein President Salva Kiir and opposition leader Riek Machar accepted responsibility for the current crisis facing the nation.

By Moi Julius

Leader of minority party suggests national dialogue to resolve issues, rather than elections, in South Sudan

Leader of minority party suggests national dialogue to resolve issues, rather than elections, in South Sudan
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JUBA, South Sudan — The leader of the minority party in the National Legislative Assembly, Onyoti Adigo, has suggested convening a national consensus dialogue to resolve critical issues rather than conducting partial elections in June.

“The Government should call all political parties, civil society organizations, faith-based groups and people to decide the way forward,” Onyoti told the New Nation.

According to the minority leader, if the government is accepted by all, the mandate should be to bring peace, reconcile and unite people, build trust, and afterwards elections could be organized — “After census and geographical constituencies is known,” said Onyoti.

“Supposing the government goes for elections in June and in July there is peace, you might have wasted time by establishing another transitional period again. If you think about elections, it means the government is not for peace.”

The warring parties in the IGAD-brokered talks have agreed on the formation of a transitional government as a final deal is negotiated to end the war.

They have agreed on a 27 cabinet ministers, but the most sticky issue is who heads the government, as the rebels propose their leader, Riek Machar, and Juba insists on South Sudanese President Salva Kiir as the leader of the transitional government of national unity.

“They brought the example of Sudan, Syria and Afghanistan, which ran elections. Are those countries peaceful now? They are killing their own citizens,” he said.

The minority leader added that those dying in both sides of the conflict are South Sudanese, so the example of Syria and Iraq holding elections during turmoil are irrelevant to the country.

He further said partial elections are not democratically acceptable, and in the case of South Sudan there maybe four states: Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity and Lakes.

“How can the government talk of elections when thousands are in IDP camps and those in towns experience hunger even in Juba? Instead of thinking of the people — for them to eat — you talk of an election. Money should have been for the suffering people. The displaced are in dire need of food, sanitation, water and medical care, and you want to take billions for elections.”

According to the leader of minority, the money allocated for elections is not within the law as it is not reflected in the budget and appropriation bill endorsed by Parliament when the national budget was passed last year.

“When we approved the budget, the amount was not there. It should have been approved by Parliament. They want to use it, as previous billions were lost. It is a violation of the law,” said Onyoti.

By Moi Julius

Joining the historic rally in Paris

Joining the historic rally in Paris
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PARIS – This is the first Sunday after the terrorist shootings in Paris. The French government decided to launch a large-scale solidarity rally to show support for the victims of the extremist attacks.

However, one may wonder whether it would be safe to go into with a large crowd. Would it also become the target of terrorist attack?

According to a Parisian with whom this reporter spoke about such concerns, there were a large number of police and even police snipers, and the government had a large-scale mobilization plan in place.

Also, she thought the terrorists would not be interested in attacking the rally because massive murder did not match the ‘signature’ such terrorists have become known for.

She went on to say that we shouldn’t be afraid because that’s exactly what the terrorists wanted, while she also understood that would be easier said than done.

She might not have represented all French people but at least she revealed the thoughts of some French people–to be even braver when facing threats! After all, the historic, massive mobilization throughout the country has been consistent with this mentality.

In the afternoon, I set off from a metro station where the platform was full of people. Five trains passed but I couldn’t get on train at all. One Parisian told me in a text message that he had never experienced such a large crowd before, and expressed that it seemed incredible to him. He could not even reach the place where we were supposed to meet because some roads had been blocked.

I was finally able to board the sixth train that came, but it was extremely crowded. When I got off, a herd of people were moving slowly towards the exit. Since there were so many people, what usually takes around two to three minutes–reaching the exit–took almost 20 minutes.

Then I found myself already standing in the crowd once I reached street level. I walked in an opposite direction of the crowd hoping to find a space so that I could call my friend. However, the phone network did not work at all.

I was standing next to a bus stop at a crossroad while watching the people marching slowly across. There were people of different ages and various races. Many were holding signs with the slogan, “Je suis Charlie,” while some were holding French national flags. Some people also specially decorated their hats with coloured pencils to represent the cartoonists. One lady was wearing a hair clip prettily handcrafted with a row of colourful colour pencils.

The rally was very peaceful. Most of the time, people were just marching forward quietly. There was not much shouting of various slogans. No one used amplifiers. From time to time, the crowd would clap in rhythm and shout, “Charlie! Charlie!” or, “Liberté! Liberté!” On both sides of the marching crowd were those typical Parisian buildings. Some people up there went out to their balconies to cheer for the crowd. Some tried to lead the crowd to clap. Some were playing music to cheer the marching people. Suddenly, there came that most touching eternal classic:

“Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world…

“You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us,
And the world will live as one” –Imagine, John Lennon

I couldn’t help singing along, and I could hear some people around were singing together too. People clapped after the song was over.

Letter by Rickovia Leung

Birds’ ability to hear weather demonstrated in storm-avoiding relocation

Birds' ability to hear weather demonstrated in storm-avoiding relocation
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An accidental discovery made by researchers testing the weight-bearing capacities of a small bird in the Tennessee mountains has shed light on how birds’ senses–notably their ability to hear very low infrasounds characteristic of large storms–allow the animals to avert meteorological catastrophes.

“I think this is just one newly discovered example of the many ways other animals perceive and interact with their environment that are different from how we humans work, Dr. Henry Streby of Beissinger Lab at UC Berkeley, the lead author of the study, told The Speaker.

Birds' ability to hear weather demonstrated in storm-avoiding relocation
Birds’ ability to hear weather demonstrated in storm-avoiding relocation

“We tend to assume other animals are hearing, seeing, and smelling things the same way we do, but we know many other animals sense things far outside of the range of our senses. It is difficult to imagine what goes on in a bird’s brain; they hear higher and lower frequency sounds that we do and they see in a much wider light spectrum and a more complicated color space than we do. Our study, and others tracking migratory birds, are starting to show some of the ways birds can use their impressive senses to get around and stay safe from weather and other dangers.”

The team was working in the Cumberland Mountains of eastern Tennessee, testing the weight-bearing capacity of a small bird.

“A golden-winged warbler weighs only 9 grams, which is less than the mass of 2 US nickles or one British Pound coin,” Streby described his subject. They wanted to know if the bird could carry geolocators on their backs.

Around 24 hours before a large storm blew into the area, spawning 84 tornadoes and killing at least 25 people, the warblers unexpectedly picked up and moved 1,500 kilometers in five days. The team was able to monitor their movements because of the devices they had saddled some of the birds with.

Streby qualified that he couldn’t say with certainty that the birds flew in large groups.

“Our sample of birds carrying tracking devices was quite small, but we suspect they were not the only ones that left,” Streby said. “Although these movements seem impressive, and they occurred outside of the birds’ normal migration period, they were well within the known capabilities of these birds. The birds in this population regularly make similar long distance movements during their spring and fall migration to and from Colombia.”

However, the timing and character of the birds’ movements led the researchers to conclude that a mass temporary relocation took place when the birds sensed that the massive storm was headed their way.

“People have been studying this species on the breeding grounds for decades, but we only just started tracking their migration during this study,” Streby told us.

“Movements like this have not been reported before, and we did not see anything like this during the previous year with this population or with another population we were tracking that was not in the storm’s path. So, basically, we have an extraordinary large-scale movement away from the breeding grounds and back again, that correlates perfectly with the timing of this enormous and powerful storm. Avoiding the storm is the most likely explanation.”

The warbler, like other birds, are particularly attuned to hearing weather, Streby explained. “We know birds are particularly attuned to these very low infrasounds, and we know that large tornado producing storms create infrasound in the exact same frequency range, but nobody had put the two together until this report.”

Next, the team will undertake a further phase of their research, which is expanding in unpredicted ways–they will be collecting data from hundreds of migrating birds, and the team is looking forward to new unexpected developments.

“In 2015, we will be marking more than 400 birds of this species and a closely related species at 16 sites across their entire breeding range. Our goal is to find out where all of these populations spend the winter and where the important resting and refueling places are along their migration routes. These species are of high conservation concern and we are hoping to better understand the challenges they face during all aspects of their annual cycle. We did not intend to study how these birds respond to extreme weather events, but if they encounter any storms like the one from 2014, or maybe have to fly around a hurricane during migration, or something else completely unexpected, I’m excited to see what they do.

“We shouldn’t assume animals perceive their environment the same way we do,” Streby said. “We are lucky to have all of our experts and technology monitoring the weather and warning us when tornadoes or other dangers are coming our way. It is amazing to discover the different tools wildlife have for knowing what is coming too. It is also important for readers to understand that these birds apparently sensed the storm at a great distance, and there is a logical scientific explanation for how they did it; they did not magically detect the storm long before it existed like many media outlets have suggested.”

The report, “Tornadic Storm Avoidance Behavior in Breeding Songbirds,” was completed by Henry M. Streby, Gunnar R. Kramer, Sean M. Peterson, Justin A. Lehman, David A. Buehler, and David E. Andersen, and was published in the online Current Biology.

By Sid Douglas

Nokia 215 – $29 dollar cell phone that will last a month on a charge

technology, nokia, nokia 215, 30 dollar phone, new cell phone, Nokia 215 - $29 dollar cell phone that will last a month on a charge
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Microsoft Devices Group and communications and information technology company Nokia are launching a $29 cell phone that will last one month on a single charge.

“With our ultra-affordable mobile phones and digital services, we see an inspiring opportunity to connect the next billion people to the Internet for the first time,” Jo Harlow, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Devices Group, said of the device. “The Nokia 215 is perfect for people looking for their first mobile device, or those wanting to upgrade to enjoy affordable digital and social media services, like Facebook and Messenger.”

The Nokia 215 will be the Finnish company’s “most affordable internet-ready” phone, and will be marketed to buyers in developing markets, particularly in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East, in Q1 of this year.

The 215 is enabled with 2G wireless technology, carries a VGA camera, and will be available in both single- and double-SIM models. The 215 will also be equipped with a flashlight–an important selling feature for around 20 percent of the world’s population who live in regions with no regular access to electric power.

The battery life of the 215 allow nearly one month of standby power (21 days for the dual-SIM model) or 21 days (20 hours) of talk time. The battery also allows for 45 hours of FM radio playback.

The 215 also comes equipped with access to social media services like Facebook, Twitter and Messenger.

By Andy Stern

[su_youtube url=””][su_youtube url=” watch?v=SKnJgaHFLR0″][su_youtube url=””][su_youtube url=”″][su_youtube url=””][/su_youtube]