Blitzortung! Team Develops World-Wide Maps of Lightning Strikes, Real-Time and Free for Everyone

lightning map

It is now possible to watch world-wide lighting strikes play live on your computer screen in real-time, and for free. Blitzortung is a free, live, lighting strike map developed by Heinrich-Heine-University of Dusseldorf professor Egon Wanke and LUCOM lead developer Tobias Volgnandt, who created the service “just to provide free and live lightning maps” for the world. blitzortungLighting strikes on the realtime maps are marked by a white expanding circle and a click-sound.

Blitzortung is, however, a community, according to developer Tobias Volgnandt. “Our great community behind the project should be in the foreground, not just we,” Volgnandt told The Speaker.

Small part of the Blitzortung community

Around the world, there are currently over 800 participants. Each of these participants has set up a lightning sensor (which are available from Blitzortung for less than 200 Euro–$270) and connected to the network of volunteers.

Currently, the network is composed of sensors mainly in Europe, North America and Australia, but the network is growing fast, and there have been requests from every continent (even Antarctica), Volgnandt told us.

Although the developers at Blitzortung make no money from the project, and created it just because they wanted to see it exist, they cannot currently handle the amount of requests they receive. The volunteers want to cover their own regions and ask for the hardware, Volgnandt told us. He stressed the community nature of Blitzortung. “We do not find volunteers, they find us. They do not do this for us, but for themselves and for our community.”

“They contact us, because they want to help. They are weather enthusiasts, amateur radio operators or have a general interest in electronics.”

Tobias Volgnandt
Tobias Volgnandt

Volgnandt spoke to the origins and early days of the project, as well as recent developments.

“We are just enthusiasts and doing this as a hobby. We weren’t satisfied with the performance of existing lightning location hardware which private users can buy. Either it was not accurate enough or it was much too expensive. Egon Wanke created his own much cheaper hardware and locating method around 2008 which already produced very good results. This former community was much much smaller than today, but they made all this possible.

Egon Wanke
Egon Wanke

“Last year we (Egon Wanke, Tobias Volgnandt and Richo Anderson) released a new hardware generation, which is even better. We don’t have specific goals. We want to have some fun and gather experience all fields belonging to lightning locating (physics, mathematics, informatics, weather) community.”

How does the network work?

Blitzortung! Team Develops Word-Wide Maps of Lighting Strikes, Real-Time and Free for Everyone (3)Lightning sensors located in over 800 locations around the world collect information from nearby electromagnetic storms. This information is sent via internet to the central processing servers–which receive millions of signals per hour at peak times–and the exact positions of the discharges are calculated. The data is published to the website and, within 3-6 seconds the strikes appear on users’ screens.

The question of how many sensors will be needed to cover the globe depends on many factors, according to Volgnandt, such as the constellation of the stations or their reception quality.

Blitzortung! Team Develops Word-Wide Maps of Lighting Strikes, Real-Time and Free for Everyone (3)“At least four stations on different places are needed. They could already provide some very basic coverage in an area with 1000 x 1000 km when all parameters are good enough. The same could be true for an area of 100 x 100 km, depending on the station constellation.”

To use Blitzortung, or for information on participating and necessary equipment, please visit their site and click on the “What’s New?” page.

By Day Blakely Donaldson

CSIS Report to US Government: How the US Military Can Scale Down Across-the-Board to Create an “Affordable Military” in 7 Years, Overturning Past 10 Years Defense Strategy, Focus on Today’s Two Main Threat Nations

us military spending

The US military will be scaled down in the next seven years, according to the plans of the US government, which is aiming to create an “affordable military” by 2021. A report published Wednesday by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), focused on coping with an across-the-board drawdown while still maintaining US security, has provided recommendations that would overturn the last 10 years of US defense policy–which has focused on unconventional warfare against terrorist insurgents and a shift to the Far East–to focus instead on today’s most pressing threats to the US.

“The post-9-11 US defense drawdown will be significantly deeper than is generally recognized,” stated the authors of the report. The cause of the reduction in funding is the “double whammy” of decreased purchasing power of US dollars and topline drawdown. The amounts that the Department of Defense (DoD) will be able to afford in 2021 will be smaller across the board–many areas will see reduced capacity.

“To cope with a drawdown of this magnitude, DoD needs to adopt a dramatically different approach to force planning–one that is grounded in the acceptance of budgetary caps established by the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA),” stated the report. The teams responsible for the report focused on how the DoD could “minimize the impact of a deep budgetary reduction and provide the military capabilities needed for the strategic realities of 2021 and beyond.”

US Military
History of US military spending

The report, “Building the 2021 Affordable Military,” was authored by Clark A. Murdock, Ryan Crotty and Angela Weaver for the CSIS Affordable Military Working Group and the earlier CSIS Defense Drawdown Working Group, and represents two years of work by the teams. It was published on CSIS’s website at the beginning of June. The team also relied on the work of other leading think tanks for their conclusions.

The research team proposed a number of options for reducing spending, but advised a focus on containing and deterring Russia and China, given the aggressive policies of the two nations as demonstrated by China’s assertion of ownership of 90 percent of the South China Sea and Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

The team also preparing for a conventional war with another great power, reducing troop numbers and investing in weapons, equipment, science and technology. In particular, long-range bombers, attack subs, nuclear modernization, aerial and space surveillance, national missile defense and “tripwire” deployment brigades seemed important to the research team, who stated, “This aggressive investment in modernization is aimed at sustaining the US high-tech edge versus Russia and China.”

CSIS is a nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC, which has worked for the US military, developing solutions to policy changes for over 50 years since its founding during the Cold War. CSIS has 220 full-time staff and a large network of affiliates.

US defense spending peaked in 2010–when deployments in Afghanistan were at their highest–at $730 billion dollars (in 2013 dollars). The budget proposed for 2021, by which time the defense dollar is expected to have lost 15 percent of its purchasing power because of the aggregate impact of internal cost growth–increased personnel and other costs.

By James Haleavy


42 Percent of Muslims Polled by Pew Research Think Suicide Bombing and Other Violence Against Civilians Are at Least Occasionally Justified

suicide bombing

A Pew Research study has found that 42 percent of Muslims in 15 locations think that suicide bombing and other forms of violence against civilian targets is at least occasionally justified in order to defend Islam from its enemies. The study was concluded in Spring 2014 and the results were published Tuesday by Pew Research as part of its Global Attitudes Project. In a few of the nations polled, a large majority of Muslims were against suicide bombing.

Pakistan and Tunisia were found to be overwhelmingly against suicide bombing. Indonesia was also found to be significantly against suicide bombing.

suicide bombingOn the other hand,a significant percentage of Muslim populations polled supported suicide bombings in some circumstances.

Out of 15 polled locations (counting Gaza and West Bank separately), in eight the majority of respondents said suicide bombings were never justified, while in four the majority believed they were at least occasionally justified. Overall, 42 percent of Muslims polled thought suicide bombing was at least occasionally justified.

However, in all or most of the nations polled, there was at least a significant minority that thought suicide bombings were at least occasionally justified. Only in Tunisia and Pakistan was the minority under 10 percent. Depending upon interpretation, 7 and 8 percent of populations of 180 million and 11 million may be considered significant.

42 Pecrent of Muslims Polled by Pew Research Think Suicide Bombing and Other Violence Against Civilians Are at Least Occasionally Justified (4)
Click to expand

Although Pew tallied their net results to include only “Often” and “Sometimes,” a large percentage of Muslims polled felt that suicide bombings were at least “Rarely” justified. For example, in Israel only 16 percent of Muslims thought that suicide bombings were “Often” or “Sometimes” justified, but an additional 30 percent felt they were justified on some occasions. In Jordan, only 15 percent felt suicide bombings were justified often or sometimes, but an additional 29 percent thought they were occasionally justified. In Egypt, 24 percent said “Often” or “Sometimes;” 35 percent said “Rarely.”

In a few locations, an uncertain response accounted for a significant percentage of responses. To compare the two regions polled within the Palestinian territory, although in Gaza 75 percent of Muslims thought suicide bombing was “Often” or “Sometimes” justified, and on the West Bank only 49 percent did, on the West Bank there was also a significant percentage of respondents who said they “didn’t know”–13 percent–while only 4 percent of Muslims in Gaza “didn’t know.”
Similarly, in Turkey, where the the minority (29 percent) of Muslims felt suicide bombings were never justified, 13 percent responded that they did not know. A similar percentage of uncertainty existed in three other majority-opposed nations: Pakistan, Nigeria and Senegal.

42 Pecrent of Muslims Polled by Pew Research Think Suicide Bombing and Other Violence Against Civilians Are at Least Occasionally Justified (3)
Click to expand

Pew Research also reported that support for suicide bombing has fallen since the September 2001 World Trade Center attack. Pew has recorded a steady decline in support for suicide bombings “against civilian targets in order to defend Islam from its enemies.” In all nations presented by Pew–with the exception of Tanzania–levels of support have declined or remained steady. However, it should be noted that although Pew formulated the results by asking “Do you feel this kind of violence is often justified to defend Islam, sometimes justified, rarely justified, or never justified?” they tabulate their percentages of support based on “often/sometimes” only, and do not show the percentage of Muslims who do support suicide attacks, but only “rarely.”

By Day Blakely Donaldson

Pew Research

South Sudan Crisis Could Not Have Been Predicted, Says UN Envoy, Preparing Step Down From Leadership in South Sudan

south sudan

The speed, the scale and the scope of what has unfolded in South Sudan during the last six months could not have been predicted, said Hilde Johnson, the UN head in the world’s youngest nation, who spoke at a press conference in New York Monday about her upcoming withdrawal from the leadership of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

At the press conference, Johnson referred to the situation in South Sudan as “bleak” and stressed the need to put the welfare of South Sudanese above all other concerns, as well as to bring to justice those responsible for crimes committed during the conflict.

“Although I knew it would be rocky and difficult and challenging and we would be under significant pressure,” said Johnson, “I did not expect what happened in the last six months – the speed, the scale and the scope of what has unfolded before our eyes.

“Yet, the events took a life of their own, and the took an ethnic turn, and I think that is one of the reasons why we saw [what] we saw,” said Johnson, referring to the ethnic Nuer-Dinka killings that have been reported to characterize a large part of the fighting.

Hilde Johnson
HIlde Johnson at the New York press conference

Johnson led an UNMISS that was focussed on building the nation. Since the fighting broke out last December, the UN mission has changed. It is now focussed more on peacekeeping and protecting South Sudanese lives. Johnson said this was “a very different from the mandate I took office on.”

The change was “not something we chose to do,” said Johnson. The UN was obliged to do so in order to save lives, which, Johnson said, had been saved.

The 12,000 UN peacekeepers and other workers who would compose the UN force decided on by UNMISS in January has not yet been realized, but Johnson made another statement that the force would now be possible after the May 27 Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) meeting.

The country of South Sudan came into being in 2011 by seceeding from Sudan through a near-unanimous UN-backed referendum.

The conflict that has now lasted six months in South Sudan and caused thousands of deaths and over one million displaced began as a political scuffle between the supporters of South Sudan’s president Salva Kiir and supporters of former Vice President Riek Machar, who was removed by Kiir last summer as part of what Kiir has said was a paring down of government.

Currently, humanitarian action in South Sudan is focussed on assisting people through the rainy season, in which the country’s scant roads are often impassable and human resources are scarce.

Humanitarian agencies face the task of assisting 3.8 million South Sudanese–and another 3 million are at risk–according to UNOCHA estimates.

Johnson served as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of UNMISS since 2011, when UNMISS was first established. Johnson announced that she was stepping down earlier this year.

By Day Blakely Donaldson


Duke University Scientists Create Method to Measure the Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on the Brain, Offering Hope of Improvements in TMS Therapy

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

Neuroscientists and engineers at North Carolina’s Duke University have pioneered a method with which the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on the brain can be measured. The Duke team has made it possible to measure the response of a single neuron to an electromagnetic charge–something that has not before been possible. The work offers the potential to improve and initiate novel TMS therapy approaches.

transcranial magnetic stimulation
Dr Warren Grill

“This report focused on the innovative methodology that allowed us to record from single neurons,” Duke professor of biomedical engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and neurobiology and lead researcher on the team, Warren Grill, told The Speaker. The team was able to record an increase in a neuron’s firing rate in the wake of the short, rapidly varying magnetic field created by TMS. The increase in firing lasted approximately 100 ms after the TMS pulse, according to Grill.

The report, “Simultaneous transcranial magnetic stimulation and single-neuron recording in alert non-human primates,” was authored by Jerel K Mueller, Erinn M Grigsby, Vincent Prevosto, Frank W Petraglia III, Hrishikesh Rao, Zhi-De Deng, Angel V Peterchev, Marc A Sommer, Tobias Egner, Michael L Platt, in addition to Grill, was published in Nature and was supported by a Duke Institute for Brain Sciences Research Incubator Award and by a grant from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke of the National Institutes of Health.

Duke University Scientists Create Method to Measure the Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on the Brain, Offering Hope of Improvements in TMS Therapy (4)Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a widely-used procedure wherein electromagnetic coils are held up to the skull and short electromagnetic pulses are run through the coil. It has long been understood that neurons react to TMS, and the procedure has been used to treat psychiatric disorders, substance abuse and other health conditions. Although preferable to other treatment methods because TMS is noninvasive, its mechanisms have always been poorly understood, making improvements difficult.

In part, the barrier to understanding the mechanisms of TMS is due to the difficulty of measuring neural responses during the procedure. The neural response is electric,and the current charging the TMS bears an overwhelmingly stronger electric charge.

Grill said of the difficulty in understanding TMS without measuring its effects, “Nobody really knows what TMS is doing inside the brain, and given that lack of information, it has been very hard to interpret the outcomes of studies or to make therapies more effective. We set out to try to understand what’s happening inside that black box by recording activity from single neurons during the delivery of TMS in a non-human primate. Conceptually, it was a very simple goal. But technically, it turned out to be very challenging.”

Although thousands of times smaller than the charge of the TMS, the neural response can be measured by the research team’s hardware. The team also overcame the obstruction posed by the recording device, which also emitted an electric current.

TCM“Studies with TMS have all been empirical,” said Grill. “You could look at the effects and change the coil, frequency, duration or many other variables. Now we can begin to understand the physiological effects of TMS and carefully craft protocols rather than relying on trial and error. I think that is where the real power of this research is going to come from.”

The Duke team’s research is open to anyone with a lab, according to the researchers. “[A]ny modern lab working with non-human primates and electrophysiology can use this same approach in their studies,” said Grill. The team said they hope others would pursue this line of research, and contribute to improvements in TMS therapy.

“This research will allow us first to quantify and understand the effects of TMS on neurons, and subsequently to design novel approaches, including stimulation waveforms and stimulation coil design to amplify or modify those effects,” Grill told us.

By Day Blakely Donaldson



Fracking Can Be Banned by Local Communities, Says New York’s Highest Court


Local communities have the power to use local zoning laws to ban heavy industry, such as oil and gas production and fracking, according to New York’s Court of Appeals Monday. The state’s highest court ruled in a 5-2 decision that the towns of Dryden and Middlefield could ban such industry within municipal borders.

“Today the Court stood with the people of Dryden and the people of New York to protect their right to self determination,” said Dryden Deputy Supervisor Jason Leifer. “It is clear that people, not corporations, have the right to decide how their community develops.”

The ruling effects more than just Dryden and Middlefield. More than 170 New York municipalities and many communities in Colorado, Ohio, Texas, New Mexico, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and California have passed or are attempting to pass measures against fracking, and the ruling is considered to significantly empower those citizens to establish bans or moratoriums on unwanted industry.

Read more: One Little US Town Is Showing the World How a Small Community Can Stand Up to Big Oil and Gas and Stop Fracking

“Heavy industry has never been allowed in our small farming town and three years ago, we decided that fracking was no exception,” said Dryden Town Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner. “The oil and gas industry tried to bully us into backing down, but we took our fight all the way to New York’s highest court. And today we won.”

Communities have faced daunting odds in their attempts to assert self determination when industry interests are at stake.

“This decision by the Court of Appeals has settled the matter once and for all across New York State and has sent a firm message to the oil and gas industry,” said Deborah Goldberg, managing attorney at Earthjustice, who worked on the case. “For too long the oil and gas industry has intimidated and abused people, expecting to get away with it. That behavior is finally coming back to haunt them, as communities across the country stand up and say ‘no more.’ Earthjustice is proud to have stood with, and fought on behalf of, one such community.”

“Town by town, New Yorkers have taken a stand against fracking. Today’s victory confirms that each of these towns is on firm legal ground,” said Helen Slottje, an Ithaca-based attorney whose legal research inspired New York’s fracking ban. “The oil and gas industry tried to take away a fundamental right that pre-dates even the Declaration of Independence: the right of municipalities to regulate local land use. But they failed. The anti-fracking measures passed by Dryden, Middlefield and dozens of other New York municipalities are fully enforceable.”

Read more: New York Votes to Not Drill or Frack

Dryden began its organized opposition to oil and gas projects in 2009 when it began to learn about the technique the companies planned to use to extract oil and gas–fracking. Dryen residents organized under the Dryden Resource Awareness Coalition (DRAC) and convinved the town board to prohibit oil and gas development activities, including fracking.

An interested oil and gas company sued the town weeks later. Dryden argued that they had the right to make local land use decisions under the provisions of the New York State Constitution, including where oil and gas interests were involved. In 2012, a trial court agreed, and a mid-level appeals court also found for the residents in 2013.

“Today’s ruling shows all of America that a committed group of citizens and public officials can stand together against fearful odds and successfully defend their homes, their way of life and the environment against those who would harm them all in the name of profit,” said Leifer.

Dryden – The Small Town that Changed the Fracking Game

By James Haleavy

Albania Granted EU Candidate Status


The EU General Affairs Council granted the Balkan nation of Albania EU candidate status June 24.

The Council granted Albania candidate status “in light of its… continued progress… subject to endorsement by the European Council,” although the Council also urged Albania to increase its efforts to combat corruption and organized crime, reform its public administration and judiciary, and protect human rights, including with anti-discrimination policies for minorities and property rights. The council also requested the Western Balkan nation do more to relieve pressure on the EU related to immigration.

“The Council… expects Albania to intensify its support for the timely reduction of migratory pressures on the EU including by pursuing its efforts to ensure the fulfilment of all conditions of the visa roadmap and by taking further steps to address the issue of unfounded asylum applications lodged by Albanian nationals,” the EU stated in a press report.

“The Council welcomes Albania’s continued constructive engagement in regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations as well as its alignment with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy.”

The decision is now subject to approval by the European Council.

By James Haleavy


Three Corporations Manage All of US’s Illegal Alien Prisoners in 13 Prisons, Net $4bn and Pay Executives Over $19 Million

immigrant prisons


Between 1998 and 2012, immigration prisoners incarcerated in federal prisons increased 145 percent, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Thirteen US Criminal Alien Requirement (CAR) prisons managed by three private prison corporations house all of America’s 25,000 prisoners convicted of living in the US without proper documentation.

Three corporation manage all of US's Illegal Alien Prisoners in 13 Prisons, Net $4bn and Pay Executives Over $19 Million (4)The three corporations, Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), the GEO Group, and Management and Training Corporation (MTC), are contracted by the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

The Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), formed in 2003, has over 45,000 agents and receives more money than all other federal agencies combined. The CBP is a department of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and is the largest law enforecment agency in the US. The primary task of the CBP is preventing terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the US. The Customs and Border Patrol feeds the CARs.

Three corporation manage all of US's Illegal Alien Prisoners in 13 Prisons, Net $4bn and Pay Executives Over $19 Million (2)In 2012, the three corporations took in a total of $4 billion in revenue. GEO and CCA executives made around $19 million that year.

Illegal immigrants are pursued by the DHS. Since 2009, illegal immigrants have been placed in US prisons in numbers greater than convicts for “violent, weapons and property offenses combined,” according to an ACLU report.

The ACLU has blamed a DHS-Department of Justice (DOJ) program, Operation Streamline, for much of what it deems human rights abuse of illegal migrants. Begun in 2005, Operation Streamline mandated that in addition to deporting illegal migrants, the US government would prosecute them.

According to a CCA executive who was quoted by the ACLU, “Let me just make a brief comment on Operation Streamline…. Before this initiative was put in place, only a small percentage of [il]legal persons crossing the U.S.-Mexico border were prosecuted….We are now experiencing significant numbers to further be in place in custody as a result of Operation Streamline…We believe that the Federal Bureau of Prisons…will continue to provide a meaningful opportunity for the industry for the foreseeable future.”

By Day Blakely Donaldson

National Immigration Forum

The Atlantic

Business Managed Democracy

Two Days After News Australia Has Highest Number of Citizens Fighting Jihad with ISIS, Extraordinary, Unseen Months-Old Government Video Emerges Threatening Asylum Seekers

asylum seekers

Two days after news headlines told the world that Australia had the highest number per capita of nationals fighting Jihad overseas, a hard-line government statement threatening asylum seekers, recorded months ago but never shown to the public, has found its way to the news.

Last Thursday, it was reported that Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop had said that 150 Australians were fighting in Iraq and Syria for the Sunni extremist group ISIS in that group’s attempt to establish a Sunni caliphate across the Middle East.

Additionally, the recent ISIS recruitment video “There Is No Life Without Jihad,” released this month, was reported to feature two Australians.

In addition to those already in the Middle East, Bishop had cancelled the passports of several Australian nationals on advice from intelligence agencies. Bishop also said that Australian citizens were not only participating in the conflict in Syria and Iraq, but were taking “leadership roles in radicalising others in these conflicts.”

“In Syria it seems that over a period of time they have moved from supporting the more moderate opposition groups to the extreme,” Bishop said, “and that includes this brutal extremist group ISIS.”

“We are concerned that Australians are working with them, being radicalised, learning the terrorist trade and if they come back to Australia of course it poses a threat.”

At the time, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison had said that Australia’s Abbott government was trying to find ways to cancel visa and revoke citizenship for dual nationals that have taken part in these conflicts, pointing out, “It is a crime to fight with terrorist organisations and this [ISIS] is a listed terrorist organisation.”

Prime Minister Tony Abbot also publicly spoke on the subject, saying that the government would do what it could to protect Australia from extremists returning to Australia.

“The best thing we can do for Australians at home is to ensure that jihadis do not come back to this country,” said Abbot.

“We will do everything we humanly can to stop jihadist terrorists coming into this country and if they do return to this country, we will do everything we reasonably can to ensure that they are not moving amongst the Australian community.

“We will ensure we stop the jihadists as well because the last thing we want is people who have been radicalised and militarized by experience with these Al Qaeda offshoots in the Middle East returning to create mischief here in Australia.”

ISISIn the video released Wednesday by The Guardian, which had been recorded in September but had never been shown to the public, Morrison spoke of detention centers on the Papua New Guinean (PNG) islands of Manus and Nauru, where asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and other nations were being held.

“There are new rules in place under this government so I urge you to think carefully about your next decision and to make a decision to get on with the rest of your life and to not remain here and take the option to go back to the country from which you’ve originally come.”

Australia is a signatory to the Refugee Convention, under which the country cannot legally return asylum seekers to their origins if they are subject to persecution. Australia has been criticized for infringing upon the rights of asylum seekers by Human Rights Watch, who claimed that residents of Manus had been offered repatriation despite their testimony that they feared certain death if returned to their country of origin.

In the video, Morrison tells asylum seekers that certain detainees would never be resettled in Australia under the governments “PNG solution.”

The PNG solution detains all arriving asylum seekers who come by boat to be processed and resettled off of the Australian mainland.

“You will not be getting what you got on that boat for,” said Morrison, “and anyone else who tries to come will not get what they got on that boat for.

“You have been brought to this place here because you have sought to illegally enter Australia by boat. The new Australian government will not be putting up with those sorts of arrivals. ” Morrison spoke of the asylum seekers, saying that if they had valid claims, they would still “never be resettled in Australia,”  and if they did not have claims, they would be detained in the camp until they return, and that the government would not change its position.

“If you choose not to go home then you will spend a very, very long time here and so I urge you to think carefully about that decision and make a decision to get on with the rest of your life.

“You have been told a lie by people smugglers. They have taken advantage of you. They have ripped you off. And I understand you will feel very angry about that. But the facts will not change. You are where you are because you have sought to come to Australia illegally by boat. You should tell anyone else you know who seeks to follow you that they should not do it, or they shall find themselves in a similar circumstance or much, much worse. You should tell anyone in Australia who may have supported you… that the new government will be looking for them.”

By Day Blakely Donaldson

Grandson of Faygo Soda Suing the Family Business Over Ageism


Hugh Rosenthal

Two years after being terminated at Faygo, a soda pop company known for making old-fashioned soda, the grandson of founder Hugh Rosenthal is suing his grandfather’s company, claiming he was fired merely because of his age.

Rosenthal was fired 2012 when he was marketing director and was 66. He was the third generation of Rosenthals to work at Faygo. He began as director of marketing in 1992.

When Rosenthal was fired two years ago in July, he filed a discrimination charge the same day with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Last April, the EEOC granted Rosenthal the right to sue, and he filed suit in the US District Court last week.

Rosenthal first learned that he was losing his job in late 2011 when he saw a job ad for Faygo on He learned that he was to train his replacement, after which his employment would end, according to Rosenthal’s lawsuit.

“My first reaction was that I was betrayed by my friends,” said Rosenthal. “I had been going to lunch with these guys for 20 years every day. Then I was angry. My work record was as good as a work record could be. … There was no legitimate business reason to let me go.”

The reasons Faygo provided for letting Rosenthal go “were inaccurate, untrue,” and “manufactured,” according to Rosenthal’s suit, although the suit does not list the reasons.

Grandson of Faygo Pop Suing the Family Business Over Ageism (4)Faygo contends that Rosenthal was an independent contractor–and so not protected by the 1967 Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), under which Rosenthal is suing the company.

Rosenthal’s suit seeks lost wages and damages. “I’m hoping Faygo comes to their senses and says, ‘OK, we’re sorry. We shouldn’t have terminated you,’” Rosenthal said.

Grandson of Faygo Pop Suing the Family Business Over Ageism (7)The ADEA was signed in under former US President Lyndon B. Johnson, and forbade age discrimination of people over 40. Since 1986 it has also prohibited mandatory retirement in many sectors.

Case law relevant to Rosenthal’s suit includes Meacham v. Knolls Atomic Power Lab (2008), in which it was decided that employers bear the burden of proving that a lay-off was not based on age.

The ADEA contains remedies for reinstatement, or back pay and damages if reinstatement is not feasible or the employers violation was intentional.

Faygo was started in Detroit, Michigan in 1907 as the Feigenson Brothers Bottling Works by two Russian brothers. The first uses of the soda flavors grape, strawberry and fruit punch were inspired by the brothers cake frosting recipes. The company was turned over to the sons of the founders in the 1940s. Faygo was sold out of the family in 1987 to National Beverage Corp.

By Day Blakely Donaldson


Battle Creek Enquirer

Detroit News

Teleportation Accomplished by Netherlands Physicists

Teleportation Accomplished by Netherlands Physicists (4)
Micro chip pedestal

Physicists at Delft University, Netherlands have teleported information. The teleportation took place over a distance of three meters (10 feet), and used a procedure called quantum entanglement. The team achieved this teleportation with 100 percent reliability and without altering the pieces of matter. Teleportation of this nature has never been accomplished before outside of fiction.

Teleportation Accomplished by Netherlands Physicists (6)
Optical element forest

The Delft team transported the information contained in one qubit to another qubit three meters away. The team accomplished this by trapping electrons in diamonds at very low temperatures, set upon and wired to microchip pedestals and surrounded by a forest of optical elements. The team then shot lasers–which were guided through the optical elements–at the diamonds to create cubits within the diamonds. The cold diamonds served as prisons for the qubits. The researchers then caused a spin state in one qubit, and recorded a correlating alteration of the spin state in the qubits contained in the second diamond. The team recorded the spin states by placing low-temperature microscopes near the diamonds.

Teleportation Accomplished by Netherlands Physicists (2)
Ronald Hanson

“We use diamonds because ‘mini prisons’ for electrons are formed in this material whenever a nitrogen atom is located in the position of one of the carbon atoms,” said lead researcher for the project Ronald Hanson. “The fact that we’re able to view these miniature prisons individually makes it possible for us to study and verify an individual electron and even a single atomic nucleus. We’re able to set the spin [rotational direction] of these particles in a predetermined state, verify this spin and subsequently read out the data. We do all this in a material that can be used to make chips out of. This is important as many believe that only chip-based systems can be scaled up to a practical technology.”

Phrased according to the report, the team “prepar[ed] the teleporter through photon-mediated heralded entanglement between two distant electron spins and subsequently encode[d] the source qubit in a single nuclear spin.”

The report, “Unconditional quantum teleportation between distant solid-state qubits,” was completed by Delft’s Kavli Institute of Nanoscience’s W. Pfaff, B. Hensen, H. Bernien, S. B. van Dam, M. S. Blok, T. H. Taminiau, M. J. Tiggelman, R. N., Schouten, M. Markham, D. J. Twitchen, R. Hanson, and was published in Science Magazine.

Teleportation in fiction usually refers to a means of moving an object from one location to another without having to travel through the intervening space. Such teleportation is considered impossible according to the laws of physics In the Delft University report, an object is not transported, but a piece of information is. The Delft team transported the state of one electron to another without traversing the intermediate space–teleportation.

Teleportation Accomplished by Netherlands Physicists (3)
Small register of quantum bits under each dome

A qubit is a mechanical system, not a material. A qubit is composed of two states. For example, a photon–a single piece of light, is not a qubit–it is a particle of energy–but the process of polarizing a photon–making it rotate–is a qubit.

What is meant by quantum teleportation of a qubit is a process whereby the information of the qubit–its exact state –is transmitted from one to another qubit. How the information is transmitted through space is known as quantum entanglement.

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which the quantum state of two particles cannot be described independently–instead, the quantum state refers to the system as a whole. Any changes to one qubit create corresponding changes in the other qubit.

ScreenHunter_295 Jun. 22 11.09Entanglement works to transport information, physicists believe, because of an unexplained interconnectedness between two particles. Distance is irrelevant, even across light-years.

“Entanglement is arguably the strangest and most intriguing consequence of the laws of quantum mechanics,” stated Hanson. “When two particles become entangled, their identities merge: their collective state is precisely determined but the individual identity of each of the particles has disappeared.”

The science of quantum information has faced the challenge of transferring quantum information between locations. Prior to the Delft study, an enormous error rate burdened this field of science in attempts to use entanglement to teleport information.

“The unique thing about our method is that the teleportation is guaranteed to work 100%. The information will always reach its destination, so to speak. And, moreover, the method also has the potential of being 100% accurate,” said Hanson.
Next for the Delft team is to extend the distance of teleportation. The team aims to shoot for 1,300 meters (4265 feet). The team plans to undertake this next phase this summer.

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Delft team

The upcoming test, if successful, could provide evidence that would prove entanglement, and thereby disprove the rejection of the notion by Albert Einstein. There is a race in the community to be the first to prove entanglement through the “loophole-free Bell test,” considered one of the highest goals within quantum mechanics.

Implications of the research include the possibility for the development of the first true quantum computers, which are different from traditional transistor-based computers in that qubit-based computers are not confined to the 0 or 1 binary computation method, but are capable of superpositions of states–that is, quantum computers can simultaneously describe multiple values. The hope of quantum computers is that they will be vastly faster and make completely secure communications possible.

 A video produced by the Delft team on teleportation:


Images: Hanson lab@TUDelft

Hanson Lab

Science Magazine


Superfoods: New Study Lists–and Ranks–World’s Healthiest Fruits and Vegetables

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A new study conducted by William Paterson University has ranked the healthiest fruit and vegetable superfoods. The 41-item list was compiled based on nutrient density, and is considered to be an important step toward defining and quantifying green foods based on their nutritional value in order to help consumers in choosing the healthiest foods.

New Study Lists--and Ranks--World's Healthiest Green Superfoods (4)
Jennifer Di Doia

The study, “Defining Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables: A Nutrient Density Approach,” was completed by William Paterson University’s Jennifer Di Doia, PhD, and published on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.

The research employed a three-step process. First, potential powerhouse fruits and vegetables (PFV) were listed and nutrient and kilocalorie values were calculated for each PFV in their raw forms. A nutrient density score was calculated for each food, and limitations to the effective value of each nutrient were accounted for so that PFVs that were particularly rich in only one nutrient would not skew the results. Then, the most nutritious PFVs–containing the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) required 10 percent of daily nutrition–were selected and ranked.

Of 47 foods studied, only six did not measure up to the FDA requirements–raspberry, tangerine, cranberry, garlic, onion, and blueberry.


At the top of the list was watercress. Chinese cabbage, chard, beet green and spinach were also much higher in nutritional value by weight than other green superfoods. These top foods were found to be more than twice as nutritious as broccoli or red pepper, and around four times as nutritious as cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, tomatoe, lemon, lettuce, strawberries or oranges. In fact, Oranges, grapefruit, blackberry, leek, and sweet potato just barely made the list.

The researcher responsible for the study stated that she felt, “The focus on individual foods in terms of the nutrients they provide may facilitate better understanding of PFV than green leafy, yellow/orange, citrus, and cruciferous food groups that are emphasized,” but cautioned, “Foods within particular groups were studied; thus, other nutrient-dense items may have been overlooked. Because it was not possible to include phytochemical data in the calculation of nutrient density scores, the scores do not reflect all of the constituents that may confer health benefits.”


New Study Lists--and Ranks--World's Healthiest Green Superfoods (6)

New Study Lists--and Ranks--World's Healthiest Green Superfoods (5)


By Day Blakely Donaldson