Liberal Party Promises On Environment Highlighted

Liberal Party Promises On Environment Highlighted
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Canada’s new prime minister Justin Trudeau was sworn into office Wednesday along with his new federal cabinet, including new Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna.

Canadian climate and energy think tank Clean Energy Canada, which is based at British Columbia’s Simon Fraser University, welcomed the new environment minister and highlighted the key points the Liberal Party had committed to so far in their promised “real change” environment policy, including:

  • Invest $100 million more per year in the growth and development of cleantech companies.
  • Work with the private sector to unlock venture capital.
  • Shift subsidies from fossil fuels to ‘new and clean technology’.
  • Support energy efficiency and electric vehicles.
  • Create a $2 billion fund to support projects that would cut carbon emissions.
  • Work with the provinces to put a price on carbon pollution and ensure more renewable, clean electricity is being produced.

Merran Smith, executive director of Clean Energy Canada, made the following statement on the swearing-in of McKenna and the other new cabinet ministers:

“We congratulate Canada’s new prime minister and federal cabinet ministers, and we applaud the federal government’s commitment to take a new approach on climate change and clean energy.”

Smith mentioned the upcoming climate change negotiations in Paris and said, “We welcome this government’s efforts to restore Canada’s stature as a constructive voice in the upcoming global climate talks, and to collaborate with the provinces and territories to reduce carbon pollution here at home. Including climate change in Minister McKenna’s title signals how high a priority climate action is to our new federal government.

“Canada has vast, untapped clean energy potential and developing these resources is both a key climate solution and important economic opportunity. As the economic opportunities and environmental benefits related to clean energy span regions and sectors, realizing this potential requires an integrated, whole-government approach.”

By Sid Douglas

Upward Spirals – New Study

Upward Spirals
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University of London study analyzes the upward spirals generated by positive experience, mood, and decision making, compared with the contrary downward ones

It’s long been known that mood biases our judgments and perceptions, but this effect has usually been regarded as irrational or disadvantageous. A new theory published Tuesday in Trends in Cognitive Sciences argues that mood draws on experiences and can, in fact, help us quickly adapt to changes in our environment. For example, experiencing unexpected gains on the stock market should improve a trader’s mood. That positive mood may then cause the trader to take more risks, essentially helping her adapt more quickly to a market that is generally on the rise.

According to the new theory, as people learn from experiences that are colored by their mood, their expectations come to reflect not only the reward associated with each particular state (such as each stock), but also recent changes in the overall availability of reward in their environment. In this way, the existence of mood allows learning to account for the impact of general environmental factors.

“This effect of mood should be useful whenever different sources of reward are interconnected or possess an underlying momentum,” says one of the study’s lead authors, Eran Eldar of University College London. “That may often be the case in the natural as well as in the modern world, as successes in acquiring skills, material resources, social status, and even mating partners may all affect one another.”

Eldar and his colleagues note that positive or negative moods maximize their usefulness by persisting only until expectations are fully in accordance with changes in rewards. (That may be why happiness eventually returns to a baseline level even following highly significant changes in circumstances, including winning the lottery.)

For instance, a negative mood that persists may cause a person to perceive many subsequent outcomes as worse than they really are, leading to a downward spiral. This might turn mood into a “self-fulfilling prophecy” and lead to the onset of a depressive episode. Therefore, by defining a potential function for mood and describing the learning processes that underlie it, the new theory may lead to a better understanding of the causes of mood disorders.

“We think that this novel approach may help reveal what predisposes particular individuals to bipolar disorder and depression,” Eldar says.

Because moods are ubiquitous and have significant impacts on our lives, it is likely that they have conferred a significant competitive advantage throughout the course of evolution. Being moody at times may be a small price to pay for the ability to adapt quickly when facing momentous environmental changes.

This work, “Mood as Representation of Momentum,” was completed by Eldar, Rutledge, Dolan, and Niv, was funded in part by the Wellcome Trust’s Cambridge UCL Mental Health and Neurosciences Network grant, the Max Planck Society, and an Army Research Office award, and was published in Cell’s Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

Green Columns For Inside Homes: The NutriTower

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The 7-foot tall NutriTower is specifically designed to fit in small spaces and can hydroponically grow a variety of edible plants

The NutriTower – a seven-foot tall vertical farm specifically designed for tiny spaces – may be the solution to urban gardening problems many have been asking for.

Designed by Byrce Nagels of Montreal, the NutriTower fits in small spaces and allows plants to thrive inside by delivering water and nutrients to the bottom of the plant pots.

Nagels relies heavily on his own NutriTower and uses it to grow a continuous supply of lettuce, swiss chard, spinach and an abundance of herbs such as mint, parsley, basil and oregano. He can even grow melons and tomatoes.

The NutriTower is a hydroponic system, which means no messy soil is required. Water and nutrients are pumped up from the base to each of the pots, and the plants are supplied a ‘nutritonic’ that is custom designed for the tower. The mixture is predominantly plant-based and is derived from all sustainable sources.

Because the tower comes with its own lighting system, it can be suitably set up in any location. And – wonderfully, it only takes up one tenth of the space that a horizontal planting bed needs.

The cost of one of these towers is $1,299 – quite expensive for most families, but likely worth the investment if you consider the long-term benefits of growing your own food.

Above all, the company hopes the invention will be used as a learning component. In fact, they’re even offering a special curriculum to anyone who would like to have the NutriTower play a part in the classroom. From the germination of seeds to the actual harvesting of fruits and vegetables, the curriculum serves to ensure kids not only know how to play a part in growing their own food but enjoy the process of doing so.

The item will be released on December 1, 2015. You can, however, pre-order the incredibly unique and innovative invention here. And, for every 50 NutriTowers sold, the company will give one to a school for free.

By Amanda Froelich at True Activist

US Warships On Way To Spratly Islands

US Warships On Way To Spratly Islands
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The Pentagon has confirmed that it will go forward with plans made public last month to sail US Navy ships to the contested Spratly Islands, where China is undertaking large construction projects.

The Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer U.S.S. LASSEN (DDG-82) has been deployed to the South China Sea, sending a message to Beijing that China’s recent claims to the territory are not recognized, according to analysts.

China’s claims to both disputed islands as well as islands belonging to other nations, such as Japan’s Senkaku Islands, have become increasingly aggressive.

The Spratlys, claimed variously by Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam, in addition to China, have become the site of Chinese man-made island construction projects in what has become known as an “artificial land reclamation” enterprise. The locations of the projects are the subject of longstanding and ongoing claims by the other countries.

“Make no mistake: the United States will fly, sail and be deployed wherever it allowed the international law,” stated US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter two weeks ago.

The US has consistently warned China to restrain itself in the region. Among concerns are those regarding the way in which China enforces its territorial claims.

By James Haleavy

Canadians, what do you expect from Justin Trudeau in the coming year?

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Well, Canadians, it looks like Prime Minister-Designate Justin Trudeau will lead Canada after his Oct. 19 win on promises of “real change” — doing things differently and better than Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s conservative government.

Think hard about it. What do you expect of Trudeau during the next 4 years?

[youtube id=”KlzovaP4VG4″ align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no”]

Some of the top issues publicly addressed by Trudeau:

  • Aboriginal peoples
  • Economy
  • Energy and the environment
  • Foreign policy
  • Health care
  • Jobs and affordability
  • Syrian refugee crisis
  • Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal

Among the top issues discussed by Canadians not addressed by Trudeau publicly is immigration policy.

… Canadians, what do you expect from Justin Trudeau in the coming year?

(Obviously, this is The Speaker and we want to hear from people all around the world. If not a Canadian, please identify as such e.g. “Non-Canadian here … .”)

Breivik Will Make First Public Appearance

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Norwegian political mass killer Anders Breivik cannot be refused in his hope to meet the national court, according to the judge in the matter. Breivik is suing his country for alleged human rights violations regarding his imprisonment.

Judge Helen Anenaes Sekulic told government lawyer Marius Kjelstrup Emberland that she could not see the court had any authority to refuse to meet the prisoner if that was his desire.

Breivik has not appeared in public since 2012 when his sentence was handed down for the killing of 77 political targets — family members of the ruling Norwegian Labour Party — during a group retreat on Utoya Island in 2011.

The government lawyer had requested that Breivik appear via video link, but Breivik’s laywer Oystein Storrvik argued that the court would have to see Breivik in person in order to properly understand the effect of his prison conditions.

Breivik is alleging that the conditions of his imprisonment violate articles 3, 8, and 12 of the European Convention of Human Rights. Breivik alleges that he is enduring torture and infringements on his right to private and family life, home and correspondence, as well as, effectively, being barred from finding a marriage partner.

Read more: Breivik May Hunger Strike To Death

Victoria, BC Resources

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Red – news related … Green – groceries … blue – non-food-and-drink shops and places …

October events:

Info on events: 
Tongues of Fire: every 2nd and 4th Thursday from September through May. Sign-up opens at 7:30pm, and the open mic begins at 8pm. $6-10 sliding scale. Solstice Café (529 Pandora Avenue)
Vic Slam: Every third Thursday of the month from September until April. Sign-up opens at 7:30pm and the slam starts at 8pm. $6-10 sliding scale. Solstice Café (529 Pandora Avenue)
Vic Youth Slam: Under 21 only performers. Solstice Café (529 Pandora Avenue)

November events:

BC Legislative Assembly

Tony Blair Warns US To Take Muslim Extremism More Seriously

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In a speech delivered at New York’s 9/11 Memorial Museum Tuesday, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair told Americans that there is significant support for Islamic extremists and their beliefs among Muslims around the world.

Blair said that while the majority of Muslims “detest extremism,” the percentage that harbor “dangerous” religious prejudice is still large and would have to be rooted out if the threat of Islamic violence were to be quelled.

Read more: 42 Percent of Muslims Polled by Pew Research Think Suicide Bombing and Other Violence Against Civilians Are at Least Occasionally Justified

“The conspiracy theories which illuminate much of the jihadi writings have significant support even amongst parts of the mainstream population of some Muslim countries,” said Blair.

“There are millions of schoolchildren every day in countries round the world – not just in the Middle East – who are taught a view of the world and of their religion which is narrow-minded, prejudicial and therefore, in the context of a globalized world, dangerous.”

Blair also said that attempts to attack Islam’s prejudicial ideas may be considered to be attacks on all Muslims — not just attacks on extremists — but that those concerns have to be overcome in order to address the issue.

Read more: Islamic terrorists have committed 25,000 separate violent acts worldwide that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths in last 15 years

“If large numbers of people really do believe that the desire of the USA or the west is to disrespect or oppress Islam, then it is not surprising that some find recourse to violence acceptable in order to reassert the ‘dignity’ of the oppressed,” he said.

“If young people are educated that Jews are evil or that anyone who holds a different view of religion is an enemy, it is obvious that this prejudice will give rise, in certain circumstances, to action in accordance with it.

Read more: Religious Persecution and Violence on the Rise Worldwide, Mostly in Muslim and Asian Nations – Report

“The reality is that in parts of the Muslim community a discourse has grown up which is profoundly hostile to peaceful coexistence. Countering this is an essential part of fighting extremism.”

By James Haleavy

Nigerian President Vows To End Terrorism In 2 Months

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By December, terrorist group Boko Haram will be over, according to Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari. One of his top generals reiterated the pledge Sunday.

The statement came two days after multiple bomb blasts by Sunni Islamist group Boko Haram injured 40 people and killed 18 in two townships near the Nigerian capital of Abuja.

Both President Buhari and former President Goodluck Jonathan vowed to end Boko Haram’s continued attacks by December. Buhari came to power earlier this year.

Boko Haram have been violently active in Nigeria since 2009. The group has killed thousands of nationals in addition to other crimes.

A new military force composed of fighters from Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Cameroon will soon enter the struggle. The first actions by the 8,700-strong force will begin before the year is out, it is expected.

By James Haleavy

Chinese Journalist Blows Whistle On China’s TV Confessions

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A Chinese journalist has gone public with his experiences with the country’s police, claiming that they used torture methods, involved fellow inmates, and threatened longer jail terms and that his wife would leave him if he did not confess.

Journalist Liu Hu told The Japan Times that he was cajoled, deprived of sleep, kept from family and lawyers, threatened with a longer jail term and that Liu’s wife would abandon him, and recruited other inmates to persuade the man to confess. The desired confession was to spreading falsehoods and instigating trouble online.

Liu said that the police work with the Chinese government’s propaganda workers to create and televise confessions in order to sway public perceptions and shame suspects.

Several journalists, social activists and lawyers have been involved in televised confessions, where they have confessed to shameful acts such as hiring prostitutes.

After these confessions are aired, Liu asserted, public support for the accused decreases and less people question the legitimacy of the confessions or the guilt of the accused.

Other accused, such as journalist Gau Yu, have claimed the government has gone so far as to hold their children hostage, blocking access to needed medical attention.

The energies invested by Chinese police in the confessions are significant, according to Liu. He underwent more than 70 interrogations during the first months of his detainment, including two overnight interrogations and one 12 hour interrogation.

Liu suspects there may have been up to 300 staff working on digging up dirt on the man, and they reviewed his work records for the past 10 years and traveled to distant provinces to meet with Liu’s contacts.

In Liu’s case, he was released after almost a year of detainment. He had been assured by his lawyers that his online remarks questioning corrupt officials did not violate Chinese law, and he held out from confessing.

By James Haleavy

Islamic Violence Numbers For September: Attacks, Deaths and Critically Injured

Islamic Violence
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“Large-scale massacres in the name of Allah were down that month, as were the overall numbers,” The Religion of Peace editor Glen Roberts told The Speaker.

Over the course of September, Islamic violence globally left 1,580 dead and 2,436 critically injured in 187 attacks, according to TROP, which keeps a record of attacks that have taken place since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York.

The month’s totals were much lower than the spike in Islamic violence that occurs around the time of Ramadan, Islam’s holiest month. This year, almost 3,000 deaths from religiously-motivated attacks took place during that period.

Read more: Islamic terrorists have committed 25,000 separate violent acts worldwide in last 15 years

September’s 187 recorded attacks took place in 27 countries around the world, and included 31 suicide attacks.